What is myomectomy?
Myomectomy is the surgical removal of fibroids, leaving the uterus intact, which can preserve fertility. The procedure is performed either through an open incision in the abdomen (abdominal myomectomy) or by “keyhole” surgery (laparoscopic myomectomy). Doctors will decide which procedure to use based on the type and location of your fibroid(s). The operation lasts between one to two hours and is performed under general anesthesia.
Types of uterine fibroids
Uterine fibroids are common benigh tumors which arise from the muscle tissue of the uterus; they may be Singapore or multiple. There are 3 main types of fibroids:
- Submucous- fibroids, which grow into the uterine cavity.
- Mural-fibroids within the uterine wall.
- Subserous-fibroids, which grow on the outside of the uterus.

Uterine Fibroid (Submucous)
Submucous fibroids may cause abnormal bleeding (heavy bleeding, prolonged periods, bleeding between periods), anemia, pain, infertility or miscarriage.
Mural fibroids and sub serous fibroids when large may press on the bladder or rectum causing difficulty in urination or passing motion. They may also cause lower back pain or abdominal pain and abnormal bleeding.
After removal of fibroids, there is a 25 percent chance that new fibroids will develop within 10years. Only hysterectomy or surgical removal of the uterus can guarantee that the fibroids would not recur.
Fibroids grow in response to female hormones. Prior to surgery, your doctor may suggest a short course of hormonal therapy to shrink your fibroids.
What are the major risks of myomectomy?
They common risks of myomectomy are minor or temporary. They can include:
- Fever and infection following surgery
- Anemia
- Urinary tract infections
The major risks include:
- Haemorrhage requiring transfusion, and removal of the uterus to stop bleeding.
- Injury to other organs during surgery, requiring repair.
- Unusual anaesthetic reactions.